Estate Planning
Business Initiatives now offers an estate plan and documentation service. Our services ensures your financial affairs are in order in the event of your incapacity or death.
You will receive:
- An Estate Planning meeting, discussing you, the structure and ownership of your assets, the people who are important in your life and most importantly, your wishes and how you can best fulfil them.
- A detailed Estate Statement documenting your current position, family situation, and most importantly your wishes that you can pass to your solicitor for implementation and future reference.
- Solicitor-prepared Wills & Power of Attorney documents. We will also prepare Advance Care Directives to complete the three forms of documentation you need to protect your wishes now and once passed away.
- A compiled Life Document Kit to keep it all together along with personal letters, wishes and account details so that when the time comes, your executor can finalise your estate with certainty and ease.
What Could Happen If You Die Without a Will
By Michael Farmer CFP Many people in Australia die without having a Will in place, leaving their assets to “Lady Luck” on how your estate will be distributed. The legal term for dying without a Will is intestate, and here are a few things that may happen once you are no longer alive without one.…
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Michael Farmer
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20D William Street
PO BOX 4118