
A Danish bank is offering mortgages at a 0.5% negative interest rate ā€” meaning it is basically paying people to borrow money

A bank in Denmark is offering borrowers mortgages at a negative interest rate, effectively paying its customers to borrow money for a house purchase. Jyske Bank, Denmarkā€™s third-largest bank, said this week that customers would now be able to take out a 10-year fixed-rate mortgage with an interest rate of -0.5%, meaning customers will pay…

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Is spring really the best time to buy property?

Beware of the spring selling season As a keen participant in the property market over the past 20 years, I find it fascinating that the common theory in Australia is that Spring is the best time to sell. Thatā€™s when many residential properties look their best and emotional buyers get lured into paying a fortune…

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Benefits of Using a Mortgage Broker

Why should I use a mortgage broker rather than going directly to my bank? With so many different loan options available today, our quality mortgage brokers can take the stress out of finding the right home loan options for your needs. Read below to see some of the benefits of using a mortgage broker rather…

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Video of Breakfast Seminar with Craig James

On the 21st June, we held a breakfast seminar with special guest, CommSec’s Cheif Economist, Craig James. Craig is one of Australia’s most respected and informed economic commentators. HeĀ has a knack for making economics user-friendly. He interprets ‘big picture’Ā economic and financial trends for customers, clients and staff. Full video from the event below.

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June 2018 Newsletter

Our June Newsletter Our June newsletter focuses on growing yourĀ business and saving you money. We discuss how easy it is to refinance your mortgage and potentially save thousands in interest. We also announce the total funds raised from our Quiz Night this year. These fundsĀ have been donated to Variety – The Children’s Charity. Read Now…

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Getting Started As A Property Investor

So, you have some equity in your home or cash stashed away in the bank not working for you. You have seen friends, family and colleagues buy property. You have started to consider the idea of becoming a property investor but, you have no idea on how to get started. Today we will discuss a…

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