Successful Investing: A Guide

How We Invest Your Money

There is a relationship between risk and return and your investment portfolio needs to reflect how much risk you are willing to accept.

Everyone’s tolerance to risk is different.

We take the time discuss and explore your own personal investment preferences, and then tailor an investment portfolio to suit you.

We aim to design a portfolio that consists of good quality assets that will weather the storm of economic uncertainty and not force you to sell down assets during periods of negativity.

When we invest, we invest in strong, reputable companies and trusts that have a track record of delivering good profits with the potential for future growth.


Direct Investment Strategy And Style

We specialise in direct investing. We invest your money in assets such as shares and exchange traded funds that can be bought and sold on the stock market.

This model bypasses investment platforms, fund managers and their associated fees. It saves you money.

It also gives you greater control over the investment decisions made in respect of your portfolio.

When we make recommendations, we take a long-term view. We undertake extensive research and make considered decisions when assets are selected.

Our investment style is not that of a stockbroker. Our preference is to hold good assets that are performing to expectations, not continual wholesale change on a regular basis.

Having said that, in any portfolio of assets there are times when individual company fortunes change, and adjustments are required. In these cases, the same long-term methodology is applied.

Ongoing Advice and Investment Management

The management of your portfolio will include:

  • Daily monitoring of sell recommendations. We will act on these as soon as possible where they affect you and advise you of same;
  • Daily monitoring of the market regarding major eventsthat may affect your portfolio;
  • Quarterly internal review of your portfolio and provision of a quarterly report;
  • Documentation of advice provided in respect of investment recommendations;
  • Brokerage Service – buy and sell assets on your behalf;
  • Provision of research and market information upon request;
  • Annual meeting review to discuss your portfolio;
  • Internet access to your account information.

We will only inform you about major actions that substantially affect your holdings.

As we are not stock brokers, we do not have the capability to inform you of every single corporate action that occurs. Information regarding such actions is generally sent directly to you by the share registry.

We are happy to assist and provide an opinion regarding the entitlements offered by companies in your portfolio at any time.

Our success is your success.


Start investing wisely today

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